Section Physical basis of plasma and beam technologies
Chairman - Aleksandrov Andrey F.
  1. Arkhipenko V.I., *Callegari Th., *Lo J., Simonchik L.V., *Sokoloff J., Usachonak M.S. (IPh NASB, Minsk, Belarus, *LAPLACE CNRS, Toulouse, France)
    Electromagnetic band gap devices controlled by low pressure discharge lamps. (37 kb)

  2. *Lotov K.V., Maslov V.I., Onishchenko I.N. (NSC Kharkov Institute of Physics & Technology, Kharkov, Ukraine, *Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia)
    Long sequence of relativistic electron bunches as a driver in wakefield acceleration of charged particles in plasma. (31 kb)

  3. Sakharov A.S., Ivanov V.A., *Tarbeeva Yu.A., Konyzhev M.E. (A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, *NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia)
    2D3V particle-in-cell simulation of a multipactor discharge on a dielectric in a rectangular waveguide. (158 kb)

  4. Dumin Yu.V. (N.V. Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow reg., Russia)
    On the origin of subharmonics of the electron emission from the bunches of ultracold plasma. (59 kb)

  5. Goryachev I.A., Levhenko V.D., Perepelkina A. Yu. (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, Moscow, Russia)
    Research of anomalous electron transport in Hall thruster (HT) plasma. (70 kb)

  6. Ivanov A., *Gusev E., *Zhdanov S., *Khilkov S. (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Moscow, Russian Federation, *MIPT (NRU), Dolgoprudniy, Russian Federation)
    Numerical simulation of the thin magnetic films evaporation process by applying methods of the molecular dynamics. (32 kb)

  7. Ivanov V.A., Konyzhev M.E., Letunov A.A., Kamolova T.I., Sakharov A.S., Dorofeyuk A.A., Satunin S.N. (A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
    Initiation of microplasma discharges on titanium surfaces covered with dielectric films of different thickness. (120 kb)

  8. Vysikaylo Ph.I. (Technological Institute of Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials, Moscow, Russia)
    Polarization of the allotropic hollow foms of carbon and its use in designing nanocomposites. (32 kb)

  9. Vasilieva T.M. (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia)
    The formation of the dust-plasma structures from bioorganic substances. (31 kb)

  10. Simakin A.V., Shafeev G.A. (General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
    Accelerated alpha-decay under laser exposure of metallic nanoparticles in aqueous solutions of uranium salts. (32 kb)

  11. Alexandrov A.F., Vavilin K.V., Kralkina E.á., Pavlov V.B., Rukhadze A.A., Savinov V.P., Zhao Ch., Yakunin V.G. (Physical faculty of MSU, Moscow, Russia)
    Influence of the external load on the energy input to the low pressure rf hybrid discharhe. (36 kb)

  12. Vavilin K.V., Gomorev M.A., Kralkina E.A., Nekliudova P.A., Pavlov B.B., Petrov A.K., Turkovskaya A.V., Zhao Ch. (Physical faculty of MSU, Moscow, Russia)
    Energy input to the inductive discharge under transition from non-local to local mode of discharge sustaining. (39 kb)

  13. Meshkov I., Kobets A., Rudakov A., Yakovenko S., *Eseev M. (JINR, LNP, Dubna, Russia, *Lomonosov Pomor State University, Archangelsk, Russia)
    Investigation of unstable non-neutral plasma in the penning-malmberg trap by rotating electric field the facility lepta. (34 kb)

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